Regenerative, highly productive agroforestry in Uganda
Fight4Sight trains young people who work with the local population to establish systemic agroforestry farming in 15 villages and 36 schools over a period of three years. The sustainable project goals: Environmental protection, food security and the development of economic prospects.
In Uganda, 16 million people live in extreme poverty (<$2.15 per day). High population growth and refugee flows from South Sudan and Somalia, monocultures, extreme deforestation and soil erosion exacerbate the food shortage in the country.
In 2023, agroforestry experts began developing a systemic and highly productive agricultural concept at the Bethany Land Institute in Nandere on behalf of Fight4Sight. One hectare of demo land was prepared and planted at high density. It shows how the water, carbon (CO2) and nutrient cycles – the crucial foundations – can be regenerated and returned to their natural function. At the same time, the experts convey the most important agroforestry principles: high biodiversity, compaction and acceleration of growth, stratification, natural plant succession, pest control, year-round ground cover, photosynthesis and reproduction of seeds and planting material.
This new Fight4Sight project will enormously improve the living conditions of the people as well as soil fertility and biodiversity in the districts of Luweero, Nakaseke and Nakasongola.
A renowned expert who visited the Fight4Sight project in October 2023 is enthusiastic: “This highly productive agroforestry concept should be spread throughout the country!”