Encouraging news from the INSIGHT project
In the rural regions of Eswatini and Mozambique, impaired vision often means enduring extremely challenging conditions. Many individuals affected by visual impairments suffer from preventable issues, such as cataracts or complications from untreated diseases like diabetes.
Currently, Eswatini has only one doctor for every 3,000 people and fewer than one ophthalmologist per million people. To help improve this critical situation, the Fight4Sight Foundation launched the INSIGHT project four years ago.
We are pleased to share with you the latest updates on this impactful project:
- With Ryan Hadaway, the fifth ophthalmologist has now begun training in ophthalmology, following the completion of training by two female and two male ophthalmologists before him.
- Following the successful delivery of equipment and instruments to establish the Grace Vision Eye Center in the Lubombo District of Eswatini, the Fight4Sight Foundation has, since mid-2024, been gathering additional functional devices and materials to equip a second eye center near the Mozambique border, aimed at expanding access to eye care in that area.
- In June 2024, the Grace Vision Clinic in Siteki performed its first corneal cross-linking procedure for keratoconus. This treatment helps slow the progression of corneal deformation and stabilizes visual acuity. While this procedure is routine in industrialized countries, it remains largely inaccessible to patients in less developed regions. Additional treatments are planned.
Here’s how you can support disadvantaged individuals:
With a donation of CHF 60.-, you fund a cataract surgery.
With CHF 120.-, you enable a laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy.
With CHF 500.-, you support the training of healthcare personnel.
With CHF 3’800.-, you fund the purchase of a hand-held slit lamp for eye examinations.
With CHF 4’500.-, you contribute to a year-long specialist training program.
With an in-kind donation, you help us send a second container filled with essential equipment and materials to Southern Africa.
Together, we are improving the living conditions of people in Southern Africa.
Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg
President of the Foundation
Martina Bonenberger
Project Coordinator
100% of your donation goes directly to the INSIGHT project. The foundation is tax-exempt.
More about this valuable project
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