training of ophthalmologists in africa

The number of people affected by severe visual impairment and blindness in Africa is growing, even though most of the causes are preventable (cataracts, secondary damage due to untreated diseases such as trachoma, diabetes, glaucoma). The reason for this is that there are not enough competent, efficient, and passionate ophthalmologists available to the population. We intend to create training locations for trainee ophthalmologists in rural areas in Africa. Ausbildungsplätze für angehende Augenärzte in ländlicher Umgebung in Afrika schaffen.Access to remote parts of Africa is another problem that is difficult to influence, both for the provision of services and for the training of regional ophthalmologists.

Our goal is to create training sites for trainee ophthalmologists in rural settings in Eswatini and Mozambique. The theoretical and clinical training will enable the ophthalmologists to provide ophthalmic services with the limited resources available.

The project is a collaboration with common goals between Dr. Jonathan Pons (ophthalmologist), Mercy Air and the Fight4Sight Foundation.

Insight project description:

Insight project description: Training of ophthalmologists in Eswatini and Mocambique.

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Insight donations in kind

Insight donations in kind: Donated equipment and supplies.

Use of donations in kind

Container on the move

Arrival container in Siteki

Insight education reports

Insight education reports: continuing education of supported ophthalmologists.

Dr. Emma Johl PDF 2

Dr. Arne Pretorius PDF 2

Dr. Rossouw Els PDF 2

Dr. Josh Cummings

Insight Continuing Education Female Technicians

Insight continuing education female technicians: Support of two female technicians.

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agroforestry: our latest project in uganda

With this forward-thinking project, the Fight4Sight Foundation is committed to assisting young people in Uganda agroforestry ugandain preserving their natural resources. While also providing them with a stable and secure path into the world of agriculture, specifically sustainable agroforestry.

More information coming soon.

mobile clinic for the poorest people in tanzania

In Tanzania, around 24 women still die every day as a result of pregnancy and childbirth complications – we cannot and will not accept this high mortality rate. Mobile Klinik für die ärmsten Menschen in Tansania The mobile clinic was set up together with the Nuru Foundation to provide mothers and babies with dignified, professional medical care, regardless of their financial situation. The clinic has been on the road every day since February 2023 and has since been able to carry out more than 300 pregnancy checks, 2647 general medical consultations, 732 laboratory tests and 1230 vaccinations for infants.

The following video gives you an insight into everyday life at the mobile clinic:

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restoration of health centers, benin

Benin is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. Despite democratization and economic growth, a large part of the population cannot benefit from positive development. Sanierung von 12 Gesundheitszentren in BeninIn the rural north, poverty is very pronounced. The most important sector of the economy is agriculture, which is practiced only for self-sufficiency. The bitterly poor region of Alibori is very dry, and a large part of the rehabilitation of 12 health centers in Benin. Population and health centers do not have access to drinking water and sanitation.

The Fight4Sight Foundation, and Helvetas together, can now realize the restoration of 12 health centers in the region of Alibori, and provide access to clean water. At least 82,800 patients can benefit from functioning health centers.

We are happy about the partnership with Helvetas.

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primary health care in nepal

Health access for people in hard-to-reach mountain regions in Nepal

We are committed to providing access to health in hard-to-reach mountain regions in Nepal. Because they are self-sufficient, the people in these communities are dependent on as many family members as possible, being able to work in the fields.Sambhav Nepal Previously, people who fell ill or had an accident needed to be transported on foot for several hours or even days to a hospital. In such cases, as a result of the absence of helpers in the fields, families risked not being able to produce enough food and later suffered from hunger. Therefore, it is often difficult for the relatives to decide whether a trip to a hospital should be determined or not. The possibility of making an initial diagnosis in so-called Health Post Labs makes the decision easier. If it is then really necessary to travel to a hospital, the off-road ambulances are used. These allow affected persons to be driven to a hospital unaccompanied, so that the relatives can continue to work in the fields, and are not additionally burdened and injured themselves. Additionally, sick or pregnant women with complications can be brought to a health center in time. Our local partner, Sambhav Nepal, works directly with inhabitants of the mountain villages as well as with local authorities for implementation of the project.

The Fight4Sight Foundation has been working with Sambhav Nepal since 2017. In the fields of education, health and hygiene as well as career opportunities.

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ong bouge

The social and educational program of the “Centre Bouge” in BéninONG Bouge enables young orphans or half-orphans to receive an education which allows them to lead an independent, active professional life.

The Fight4Sight Foundation has supported the association ONG Bouge since 2016.
