Access to eye care treatments
In the poverty-stricken areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America | Donation for eye medical care including aftercare
Mission after explosions in Beirut
Emergency aid Lebanon | The United Nations Children's Fund
Food for migrant workers and refugees
India | Emergency aid in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, donation of food for migrant workers in Punjab, Rohyngja refugees in Delhi and Bangalore
Water project in Tanzania
Donation to the water project in Majimatitu, Tanzania
Support for needy families
Tanzania | Kipepeo is a registered non-profit organization that provides support to families in difficult circumstances in the surrounding villages of Moshi, Tanzania. The goal is to reduce the number of children living on the streets or growing up in children’s homes.
Living independently with support
Switzerland | Donation to the Wohnenplus project
Emergency relief program in Nepal
emergency relief program together with Nepal Ambulances to provide medical supplies during second COVID-19 wave in Gorkha District, Nepal
Development of skills in agriculture
Project “LIFT-BENIN” Supporting the development of skills in agribusiness careers and access to employment for disadvantaged youth in Benin.
Renovation of Health Centers in Benin
Renovation of health centers in Bénin: progress in 2022
Healing of women with obstetric fistulas
Project Update | Strong Women, Safe Births, Fistula Healing | Donation for girls and women with obstetric fistulas Ethiopia
Support for refugee children
Switzerland | Winter aid for refugee children | Donate to ongoing children's aid projects
Eye treatments for diabetics in Zimbabwe
Final Report Zimbabwe. Specialized eye care for diabetics.
Ophthalmic care in Madagascar
Switzerland | Project MAHITA, Madagascar, development, and expansion of ophthalmic care in the country.
Medical trauma surgery
Ethiopia | Trauma surgical care in Jimma | Donate to the project to pass on knowledge sustainably
Insight | use of in-kind donations
Southern Africa Project | Use of donated equipment and supplies
Trauma surgery care in Ethiopia
Trauma surgical care in Jimma | Donation for operations
Food | Aid Goods | Drinking Water Systems
Support countries in crisis/conflict situations | Donation for food, relief supplies, repair of drinking water systems in Syria
Agricultural Training in Benin
Centre Bouge in Sékou | Donation for young orphans and half-orphans to enable agricultural training, and subsequent installation in their home villages
In Tanzania 13,000 children living in orphanages in 2024
All children in Tanzania should have the opportunity to grow up in a caring, supportive and protective family.
A dialy lunch for students
Haiti | The main aim of the Emmaus Children's Aid is to support children and families in need in developing countries and to work with them to address the root causes of their suffering.
Training and therapy for people and animals
Guggisberg, Switzerland | Provide support for people with handicaps | Donation for signage, flyer, homepage
Donation for a student
Switzerland | Integration project for asylum seekers
School lunch for children in Haiti
Nutrition program at the Center St. Joseph in Gonaives
Support for orphans and half-orphans
Benin | Center Bouge in Sékou | Donations for apprentice training, support for orphans and half-orphans in West Africa
Construction and renovation of a blind school
Zollikofen, Switzerland | Donation for new construction and renovation of the school
Support for people with visual impairments
Switzerland | Swiss Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Bern
Eye treatments for diabetics in Zimbabwe
Interim report SolidarMed in December 2022. Thanks to the support of Fight4Sight, the project "Specialized Eye Care for Diabetics in Zimbabwe" can be completed in a timely manner.
Eye care service in Tanzania
Donation to establish Eye Care Service in Tanzania
Insight | Project Southern Africa
Final report by Dr. Rossouw Els at the Good Shepherd Eye Clinic
Food for those in need
Switzerland and Moldova | Emergency aid project Moldova, donation of food for the needy, unemployed population
Insight | We create training opportunities
Project Southern Africa | Training of ophthalmologists in Eswatini and Mozambique
Help where it is needed most
Worldwide | Helping people in need in a total of 24 countries. Help for victims of wars and conflicts
School project in Ethiopia
Environment and Development in Ethiopia | Reforestation = Trees-Forests-Water-Food-Life | School Project
Hope through mobile clinics in Iraq
Klinomobil – medical care for refugees in remote places in northern Iraq
Donation for instruments and surgeries
Opening eyes in the Himalayas and Tibet | Cataract surgeries | Donations for instruments (Oertli Catharex) and surgeries
A family belongs together
Tanzania | Donation for the support program “Families to improve their social and financial situation”
Preservation of Human Rights
Worldwide | Donate to Project Human Rights
Vegetable seeds for women’s households
environment, and development in Ethiopia | Donation for vegetable seeds for 487 women-led households in Ethiopia.
Opportunities for children and adolescents
Chiang Mai, Thailand | Committed to better opportunities for children & youth | Donation for Mekong Subregion
Newsletter: mobile clinic in Tanzania
Newsletter November 2021
Distribution of food vouchers
Imizano Yethu Township, Cape Town, South Africa | Emergency aid related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Distribution of food vouchers and food bags to the township’s needy population.
Donation for the needy population
Moldova | Emergency aid related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Donation of food for the suffering, unemployed population.
Georgia | Further education for dentists
Georgia | Dental practice in the Cholashi outpatient clinic | Donation for further training for Georgian dentists
Training for on-site assistance
Switzerland | Train Samaritan teachers to help on site
Treatment of malnourished children in Bangui
Central African Republic | A loving home for every child | Therapy for malnourished children in Bangui
Aid for people in war zones
Worldwide emergency aid
Emergency relief after flooding
Moldova | Emergency Aid Water Supply
Emergency assistance through medical care
Emergency Aid Yemen. Medical supplies for people in one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises
Audiobook sponsorship
Switzerland | Financing the production of the audio book “The Unvarnished Life” by Maryse Condé
Interim Report of Heitere Fahne
Support contribution for special activities during the pandemic period
Work in Sight
Professional integration of people with migration experience
Nonviolent society
Switzerland | Donate to violence counseling
Support for a school project in Tagne
Association for the Promotion of School and Vocational Training in Mali | Support for the school project in Tagnè
Heitere Fahne: hall roof renovation
Donation for renovation of 150-year-old hall roof
Apprenticeship training in Benin
Centre Bouge in Sékou | Support for orphans and half-orphans in Bénin West Africa | Donations for apprenticeship training
Training for Ophthalmologists in Madagascar
Project Mahita | Pediatrics and ophthalmology training project in Antananarivo
Project human rights
Worldwide | Donation Project Human Rights
Project human rights
Worldwide | Donate to Project Human Rights
Job creation in Benin
Centre Bouge in Sékou | Donation for startup project “Lift-Bénin”. Purchase of agricultural production machinery. Creation of jobs for former landless “BOUGE apprentices” and unemployed university graduates.
Protect children of single parents
Donation for the Adwa health project in Ethiopia
Partnership project Fight4Sight and Helvetas
ensuring a hygienically improved treatment for the population in the region of Alibori, Bénin, through the restoration of 12 health centers (access to clean water).
Displaced populations in Iraq
Doctors Without Borders Switzerland | Donate to ongoing projects | Inpatient pediatric department for children in Mosul
Reunification of families in Tanzania
Annual report and initial situation of the Kipepeo Family Foundation 2021
Building a primary school
Nepal | Construction of Bhairabi primary school in Ratmate
Direct assistance to people in difficult situations
Switzerland | Contact and advice center for asylum seekers, migrants and drug addicts
Support for children in need
Ukraine and Moldova | Donation for children's home
Drinking water and sanitation
Africa, Sub-Sahara | Access to clean drinking water and sanitation
Donation to a blind school
Zollikofen, Switzerland | Donation for new building and renovation of the school.
Insight | Report by Dr. Christof Hänsli
Project Southern Africa | Report by Dr. med. Christof Hänsli after two weeks stay at the Good Shepherd Hospital in Eswatini
Surgeries in Nepal
Operations for eyelid closure
New school accommodation
Nepal | Construction of the new school accommodation in Manbu. Accommodation for 160 students of the higher secondary school
Mobile clinic in Tanzania
Project Report - Mobile NURU Clinic
Help for people with migration background
Switzerland, Bern | Integration project, people with a migration background receive practical help.
Kitchen construction for the primary school in Pamidipadu
India | Interim report on the kitchen construction for the primary school in Pamidipadu
Cataract surgeries in the Himalayas
Tibet | Opening eyes in the Himalayas and Tibet | Cataract operations | Donation for instruments (Oertli Catharex) and operations
Access to clean drinking water
South Africa | Access to clean drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene training for in schools in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
Support for people with disabilities
Guggisberg, Switzerland | Support for people with handicaps (visual impairment) | Donation for renovation of exercise hall
Improve pediatric eye care services
Project Mahita | Training as an ophthalmologist in Madagascar
Water project for hospital
Tanzania | Donation for the water project in Majimatitu
Help for those in need in Syria
Indescribable suffering and destruction in years of conflict
Strengthen the surgical capacities of ophthalmologists
Project Mahita | Training as an ophthalmologist in Madagascar
Emergency aid for forgotten victims in the COVID crisis
Yemen | The United Nations Children's Fund
New Vision for farmer Aser Roger
Cameroon | Donation for ophthalmological diagnostic devices
Improvement of education quality in Myanmar
Committed to better opportunities for children, young people | Access to quality education
Accompany patients with retinal degeneration
Switzerland | Advice and support for patients with retinal degeneration
Medical care in Tanzania
Fight against maternal and child mortality | Donation for pilot project maternity clinic
Sustainable Healthcare in Tanzania
Equipping the mobile clinic with solar energy will not only ensure healthcare services but also support long-term self-sustainability
Cataract surgeries in Tibet
Opening eyes in the Himalayas and Tibet | Vision Himalaya will put its third eye center into operation in December 2018.
For people with career goals
Switzerland | Clarification-training-integration
Support during the COVID Pandemic
Donation to fight COVID-19 in Tanzania
Water for all
Nepal | Donate to the “Wash” project
The creative and theater studio in the Heitere Fahne
Switzerland | The “Frei_Raum” collective is a movement that occupies open spaces with cultural projects and always includes people with disabilities. The theater work has found its main venue in the “Heitere Fahne” cultural venue
Future prospects after leaving foster care
Sri Lanka | Vocational training for orphans after a stay in a children's home in Kolavil, Ampara and the Sakthi children's home in Asadithivu, Batticaloa.
Ambulances for Nepal
Access to primary health care in remote mountain regions in Nepal.
Reports from the field
Jemen, Sambia, Irak, Nigeria und Demokratische Republik Kongo | Ärzte ohne Grenzen Schweiz | Spende für laufende Projekte
Support for the Fistula Center in Asella
Project Update 2018 | Strong Women, Safe Births, Fistula Healing | Donation for girls and women with obstetric fistulas Ethiopia
Visit of Malagasy doctors
We hosted two doctors from the capital of Antananarivo. They obtained an insight into different areas of the activities of the Bern Eye Clinic.
Ambassadors against sexual violence
Africa and Latin America | Perspectives for young people | Training positions for ambassadors against sexual violence
Integrated water management
Mozambique and Nepal | Donation to the “Wash” project
Insight | Project Southern Africa
Container on the move.
Life-saving medical interventions for children
Myanmar und Laos | Children's Medical Fund
Excursion for people with disabilities
Biel, Switzerland | Living and working for people with disabilities | Donation for an excursion with the residents
Finding hope and joy in childhood
Afghanistan | MMCC, supporting a circus school where Afghan children find hope and joy in childhood
Donations for apprenticeships
Centre Bouge in Sékou | Support for orphans and half-orphans in Bénin West Africa | Donations for apprenticeship training.
Eye treatments for diabetics in Zimbabwe
Interim report: Specialized eye care for diabetics in Zimbabwe
Medical emergency relief in Iraq
Donate to ongoing projects | Inpatient pediatric department for children in Mosul
Agroforestry4Future | Agriculture in Uganda
Protect natural resources and create sustainable prospects for people
Emergency aid for refugee Rohingya children
Myanmar | Emergency aid winter | Rohingya Children Project
The largest hospital ship in the world
Donation for ophthalmologic diagnosis equipment
Supporting a circus school
Afghanistan | MMCC, supporting a circus school where Afghan children find hope and joy in childhood
Eye treatments for diabetics in Zimbabwe
Specialized eye treatments for diabetics in Zimbabwe
Insight | Project Southern Africa
Arrival container in Siteki
Commitment to human rights
Worldwide | Donate for human rights
Environment and development in Ethiopia
Donation for the Dara school project
Sanctuary Farm Tante Martha
Switzerland | Life and meeting place | Contribution for the construction of the lounge
Improving access to high-quality education
Myanmar | Increase access to quality education
Insight | Project Southern Africa
Interim Report by Dr. Rossouw Els
Insight | Support for Technicians
Project Southern Africa | Support of two technicians for the Eswatini Diabetic Eye and Foot Screening Programme (EDFS)
Distribution of laboratory materials in Nepal
Health Post Bungkot | Support for the procurement of medical material for the laboratory of the health post.
Emergency aid for Yemen
The United Nations Children's Fund
Eye camp in Ladakh
Opening eyes in the Himalayas and Tibet | Cataract operations | Donation for instruments (Oertli Catharex) and operations
Research on degenerative retinal diseases
Switzerland | Advice and support for patients with retinal degeneration
Specialized eye treatments for diabetics
Lucerne, Switzerland | Specialized eye care for diabetics
Insight | Training Reports
Southern Africa Project | 2021 Training reports of the supported ophthalmologists
A slightly different Christmas
Moldova | Accompaniment and practical support for children, young people and the socially disadvantaged
Opening eyes in the Himalayas
Opening eyes in the Himalayas and Tibet | Cataract operations | Donation for instruments (Oertli Catharex) and operations
Construction of a boys’ dormitory in Nepal
Donation for construction of boy’s dormitory wing.
Renovation of health centers in Benin
Brief update on results achieved in health centers in Bénin.
Mobile clinics for mountain regions in Nepal
Final Report HimalayanAmbulance | A blessing for the poorest of the mountain communities.
Support for orphans and semi-orphans.
Centre Bouge in Sékou | Support for orphans and half-orphans in Bénin West Africa | Donation for apprenticeship training
Insight | Training of Ophthalmologists
The number of people affected by severe visual impairment and blindness in Africa is growing
Mobile clinics in the mountain communities of Nepal
Himalayan Ambulance | A blessing for the poorest mountain communities in Nepal
Prevention of retinal diseases
Switzerland | Advice and support for patients with retinal degeneration
Insight | Project Southern Africa
Fight4Sight and Medical Mission Eswatini Ophthalmic Traineeship Interim Report by Dr Josh Cummings
Visual impairment and blindness
Switzerland | Actively manage everyday life and work with visual impairments
Biogas plant in Benin
Centre Bouge in Sékou | Construction and installation of a biogas plant to produce biogas and biofertilizer in the training center
Renovation of health centers in Benin
Final Report 2023 | Rehabilitation of health centers Benin
Implementation of Biodigester in Benin
Alliance Nature
Insight | Eye care
Southern Africa Project | For improved eye health care in Eswatini
Deployment of a mobile clinic in Tanzania
Provision and deployment of a mobile clinic to provide medical supplies to the population in Ikungi District, Tanzania, with the main focus: on mother and child.
Environment and development in Ethiopia | Reforestation = trees-forests-water-food-life
Healthcare facility in Tanzania
Combating maternal and child mortality | Donation for the purchase of the hospital building
Healing girls and women with obstetric fistulas
Strong women, safe births, healing of fistula | Donation for girls and women with obstetric fistula in Bangladesh.
Diabetes and high blood pressure treatment
Zimbabwe | Awareness raising for patients with diabetes and hypertension